Trolley Container Dryer

Trolley dryer is designed for drying raw (green) plant material, fruits and vegetables.

Mode: Processing material is dosed in an even layer on the shelves of trolleys which are placed inside the dryer. Heating of the air to the temperature required for the drying is carried out with thermal generator. The heated air is blown into the dryer by fan. Airflow in the dryer is horizontally, between the shelves i.e. between layers of processing material. Moisture saturated air is ejected through outlet flaps or outlet channels and unsaturated outside air is drawn through the flaps or channel for unsaturated air. In order to allow work of automatics and automate the process of drying, in the dryer are located temperature and humidity probes. When the humidity drops to a certain level (according to set parameters on the control cabinet), the valve to discharge moist air closes and drying is carried out in unsaturated air recirculation.


The dryer can used with heating oil, natural gas and biomass (wood pellets or wood chips) as a fuel source.

1.Thermal generator type HT-AD is designed for heating spaces with warm air.
Energy source: wood chips G20 or pellets
The fuel is put into the input hopper which is 1 m³ of capacity, through which it is transported by a screw conveyor system into the furnace. The dosage is carried out by a dual axial screw transport system with airlock which ensures safety from returning of flame.
Thermal generator furnace is made out of sheet metal and the parts that are exposed to intensive heat are made out of fireproof sheet metal. The furnace is located beneath the fan and there is an integrated temperature regulator on the furnace, which increase the performance while reducing the level of output flue gas temperature.
Thermal generator of power of 10 – 150 kW can be equipped with an axial or radial fan, its capacity is 14,000 to 30,000 m³ of air, electronic thermostat with temperature probe and electrical control cabinet.
The removal of ash is done manually by emptying ash-container. (See photos of the Thermal Generator of Biomass: Wood chips or pellets)

2.Thermal generator type HT-RD is designed for warm air heating spaces and drying of agricultural products.
Energy: dry firewood, length up to 1.1 m in maximum diameter of 20 cm, the maximum humidity content of 20%.
The combustion process: pyrolysis.
Dry firewood is manually put to furnace (reactor) for the gasification of wood.
Thermal generator furnace is made of sheet metal and the parts that are exposed to intense heat are made out of fireproof sheet metal and thermal concrete. The furnace is located beneath the ventilator and there is an integrated temperature regulator on the furnace. That increases the performance while reducing the level of output flue gas temperature.
Thermal generator of power of 50 – 150 kW can be equipped with an axial or radial fan, his capacity is 14,000 to 30,000 m³ of air, electronic thermostat with temperature probe and control electrical cabinets.
The removal of ash is done manually. (See photos of the Thermal Generator on firewood)

Construction: Profiled INOX AISI 304 sheet metal
Revetment: Thermal isolation panels 50 mm thick