Mighty Vaporizer
The Mighty Vaporizer is built in Germany by the same guys behind the world renown Volcano vaporizer, Storz & Bickel. Same as for the Crafty, the build quality is excellent and unlike its smaller brother, the Mighty sports a LED display to fine tune the temperature and two plus/minus keys similar to the ones found on the Volcano DIGIT control panel.
The unique design of the lightweight -but very robust- plastic shell offers a very efficient heat exchanging capability and even after repetitive uses at very high temperatures, the units never feels uncomfortable to hold. This powerful vaporizer weighs only 230grams and like its smaller brother Crafty, it sports an automatic shutoff feature that kicks in after 1 minute, unless you operate one of the temperature keys before the minute runs out.
Mighty is a convection vaporizer with a certain degree of conduction and it’s powered by two Lithium-Ion battery. Heating up to the base operating temperature of 180°C takes only 1min 20 seconds and like the Crafty a vibration will alert you when the vaporizer is ready for use.
Filling the chamber with your favorite blend is extremely easy and mess-free thanks to the filling aid included in the box. The Mighty can also vaporize herbal concentrate when using the Liquid Pad which is also included with the vaporizer and thanks to its pass-through charging, it can be used while plugged in.
The Mighty Vaporizer is by far the best portable vaporizer I’ve had the pleasure to use and with the exception of the Crafty, no other portable vaporizers can produce a similar amount of quality vapor.
Your box includes:
- 1pc MIGHTY Vaporizer
- 1pc Power adapter
- 1pc Filling Aid
- 1pc Herb Mill
- 1pc Cleaning Brush
- 6pcs Spare screen
- 1pc Dosing Capsule
- User manual