GemmaCert, Driving the Cannabis potency test Revolution




GemmaCert is ushering in an era of cannabis potency testing accessibility and education unprecedented in the field by placing quality control directly into the hands of those along the cannabis supply and consumer chain. In doing so, GemmaCert is creating a universal standard to measure and ensure cannabis quality for the good of private individuals and professionals everywhere.


An effective solution to a complex problem


As the legalisation of marijuana rapidly spreads across the world, and most notably Canada, the pressing need for tighter regulations within the Cannabis industry, becomes more evident.
These tighter regulations will lead towards creating and maintaining a higher standard of quality within the Cannabis industry. Combining the technology of a cannabis potency tester with the Cannabis industry, has proven to be a success.


Current laboratory potency tests are lengthy and costly, making multiple tests impracticable, by contrast, GemmaCert offers a quick and cost-effective way to leverage multiple tests.” Says Dr Setton, CEO and Co-founder of GemmaCert.


“Basically around the world, our particular focus is cannabis quality, which obviously has many uses, and by improving the quality of the product itself, we contribute to the health and well-being of the individuals and communities which are using it and depending on it.”


“With natural products, such as herbal medications and specifically cannabis, no two flowers are the same,” Setton explains. “There are hundreds of active ingredients in cannabis, and they’re not necessarily all present in the same levels, if at all, in each flower.”


“Bringing together these technologies is what enables us to address the specific challenges that cannabis presents when it comes to quality control,” Setton says.


The Potency Vacuum


Just as anything you would reach for in your local supermarket or pharmacy has a nutrition label and ingredient information displaying the contents contained in the product, the rise in cannabis popularity has brought with it the demand for the same accuracy and transparency tied to other consumables. The minimal and varying industry standards that are currently loosely in place frequently consist of unreliable labeling and inconsistent testing protocols — underlying issues in the indisputable need for standardization around the newly emerging global market.


As the states and countries around the world rapidly legalize cannabis, those along the cannabis professional and consumer chain are left to grapple with establishing, implementing, and enjoying proper testing protocols — creating a need to fill the potency vacuum and standardize quality control using our cannabis potency tester. For those turning to cannabis for medicinal reasons, obtaining information for proper dosing and educated consumption is a major hurdle in the ability to rely on cannabis as a consistent and accurate medication.


Current Cannabis Potency Tester Practices


High-performance liquid chromatography, or HPLC, the current industry ‘gold standard’ for potency testing is time-consuming, labor intensive, non indicative of an overall batch, and costly in both the price of actual testing and materials lost. The downfalls of the current ‘gold standard’ have led researchers to newer, more accessible ways of cannabis quality assurance.


Lack of Cannabis testing cause a serious concern regarding health issues


A data study conducted in Tel Aviv, has indicated that the actual measured potency of CBD varied significantly in relation to the labeled potency of the Cannabis. This is cause for concern as this study revealed that company 1 had only an actual reading of 62% CBD and company 2 had a potency reading of 30% in comparison to their labeled CBD values. The solution would be to incorporate a device that can accurately and conveniently measure the CBD value within the strain of Cannabis to ensure every consumer is fully aware of their accurate consumption.




The Challenges of a Cannabis potency tester


Because a Cannabis potency tester presents unique challenges, principally, the nonhomogeneity of cannabinoids, current testing practices struggle to overcome the problem of cannabis’ chemical nonhomogeneity in an affordable, practical, and accessible way.


How GemmaCert offers a deeper look into Cannabis?


Whether you are an occasional smoker or working within the Cannabis industry, a Cannabis potency tester is often overlooked. It is, however, particularly important knowing the exact potency you as the customer, are consuming. Cannabis Potency Testers have benefited cultivators, distributors, and processors. With the easy and commodious use of technology, there is no more convenient and accurate way to measure than using a Cannabis potency tester. Bottom line is that GemmaCert is ideal for exchangeable and relative purposes, offering precise and immediate information that a (third party) laboratory possibly could not offer.


Why GemmeCert is more cost effective


Laboratory testing could cost you an arm and a leg. And in an industry where a large amount of businesses are not producing the profits they want as yet, including an exorbitant amount of money on Lab testing, could most likely cause higher costs for consumers. Additionally, many laboratories within the States have very few approved and accredited, which will undoubtedly result in laboratories not being able to handle the large capacity of cannabis potency tester.


Impact on the lack of Cannabis testing


Considering Marijuana is still illegal at the federal level in the States, there is a capped amount of money set aside for accurate cannabis research. Because of this, we do not know enough about how contaminants affect cannabis products or the consumers of these specific products. This results in very few people understanding what they should be testing the Cannabis for and which elements and factors are defined as poor indicators and which factors can be defined as satisfactory factors.


To add to the confusion of Cannabis testing, different states test for different contaminants since there are zero federal requirements. This creates a complex issue when there are no guidelines regarding the research and testing of Cannabis. One would think that laboratories approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for testing, would mean accurate and quality-controlled testing is being conducted.


But unfortunately, the certification by the ISO does not simply mean that they are testing in the correct ways. It just clarifies that these laboratories are approved to conduct testing. We do not have confirmation on the particulars of the testing. The advantage of an accurate Cannabis potency tester would be beneficial for both large and small Cannabis companies. The average consumer also benefits from precise and less time-consuming testing machinery.


The GemmaCert Solution for cannabis testing


A semi-professional grade in-house laboratory solution, GemmaCert is a powerful tool for cannabis business operators. With it’s sleek and portable design, it’s ease of everyday use, and the ability to be operated by everyone on staff, GemmaCert ensures value-dependent potency for professionals all along the cannabis supply chain by providing on-the-spot testing.


“I’ve spent the last ten years kicking tires on mobile potency analyzers. None really sparked my interest. The GemmaCert is a huge asset for my cannabis community and also my independent research activities. Prior to having the unit I was only able to grade cannabis on a qualitative basis and rely on someone else’s potency data. At times you would have to wait weeks to receive results from a lab. With GemmaCert, these results are provided within minutes. The GemmaCert is a must have unit for anyone who takes cannabis seriously”.- Damon Giesbrecht, Cara’s Confidential, Saskatchewan, Canada.


The Cannabis potency tester utilizes NIR spectroscopy, motion mechanisms, and machine learning to create a non-destructive method for rapid, accurate and affordable cannabis potency analysis. The breakthrough technology extracts multiple measurements across several surfaces of the whole-flower sample, providing highly-accurate results for Total THC & Total CBD.


GemmaCert’s proprietary hardware setup, involving multiple optical sensors, coupled with its advanced algorithms, effectively tackles the flower’s heterogeneous nature while avoiding the need for the commonly used method of sample destruction, leaving the sample totally intact. With the ability to test an unlimited amount of samples, providing an accurate representation of the batch sample as a whole-a critical value indicator. Although other popular testing methods like HPLC can be appropriate for single sample analyses, NIRS can more effectively test a larger number of flowers drawing a more precise analysis by averaging results of multiple samples.


The breakthrough technology, NIRS can evaluate a sample without destroying the flower’s value or efficacy, ideal for those who want to test the cream of their crop without destroying any of their most valued samples. GemmaCert is also entirely environmentally friendly and produces zero waste or hazardous materials.


GemmaCert has patented and developed a solution that fills the potency vacuum, providing an accurate, sleek, and easy to use analytical solution for all.


The NIRS-based solution gives forward-thinking businesses a semi-professional cannabis potency tester and crucial tool to refine products, increase quality control, and inspire regulators, business partners and customers alike. The totally non-destructive method for rapid, accurate and affordable cannabis potency tester is bringing confidence and reliability to professionals while ensuring value and managing risk. For medical users, we are riding the uncertainty and guessing out of medical use, empowering patients with the confidence they are getting exactly what they need, providing the power of accurate and consistent dosing.


GemmaCert has a core vision and mission


GemmaCerts objective is to improve the health of the consumers as well as the quality of Cannabis being consumed on a large and small scale.


“I never know if the cannabis I get is right for me. Sometimes it gives me anxiety and I cannot sleep. I wish the labels were as accurate as with all other medications.” A testimonial from a cancer patient in Isreal.


GemmaCert is created to specify and distinguish between hemp and Cannabis. (THC,< 0.3%)
Over the air software updates also provide an improved all-around performance and user experience. Using unique technology, the GemmaCert is multifunctional. The GemmaCert is able to do accurate testing on three forms: whole flower, ground and the extract.





“With GemmaCert we saved 18% on our latest purchase of cannabis flowers. Our supplier claimed the flowers he delivered had a THC level of 22% but with GemmaCert we tested flowers on the spot and discovered that the THC level was 16%. We bought the flowers for EUR 18,000 instead of the original asking price of EUR 22,000.” Coffee Shop Manager located in Amsterdam


Together with the GemmaCerts versatility and ever improving technology, the GemmaCert is nothing short of perplexing and astounding at the very same time. GemmaCert created a patent desktop analytical device allowing for the estimated medical cannabis potency testing to be as accurate as possible.


GemmaCert analysis duration is only between 2 and 5 minutes. GemmaCErt is very accessible as it simply connects to Bluetooth on your mobile device. It is available on Android and IOS devices. An agile and accurate Cannabis potency testing device for all your needs.


The industry winners will be those who will invest in Quality Control to ensure that products are consistent, safe, effective and predictable.” Dr Guy Setton CEO and Cofounder, GemmaCert


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